Wednesday, 2 May 2012

Improve Your Self Esteem with Breast Augmentation

Plastic surgery has brought revolutionary changes in the world we live in. It has made several impressive medical breakthroughs when it comes to guiding people past disfiguring diseases and injuries and back into a normal way of life and in helping people every day overcome and improve their self esteem by giving them the bodies and faces they always wanted. Breast augmentation is the most popular form of plastic surgery. This is an interesting and ubiquitous surgery and there few things you should know.

There are four basic breast enlargement techniques commonly used all over the world. The basic premise of the operation is to add some substance to the current state of the patient's breasts. This process is practiced by plastic surgeons. The use of implants is necessary for the operation to be a success. The main difference among the techniques is places where the incisions are made.

Under Transumbilical technique, an incision in the navel is made for the implants to be inserted. It usually does some damage on the tissues and glands of the breasts, therefore this is not a common technique. The affect of breast milk production as well as the sensitivity of the area can be compromised, even though the damage can be kept to a minimum. Inframammary is method of breast augmentation where incisions are made just underneath the breasts. Due to them being made in the crease of the chest to the bosom, these cuts are rendered unnoticeable. Placing it above the muscle has a greater negative effect on milk production and the sensation of the area.

Transaxillary is a method of breast enlargement where the incision is made close to the armpit and the chest is one with the least possibility of scarring. The implant is usually under the muscle and this presents minimum scarring. The milk flow takes place with less disruption making breast-feeding more viable for future children. Studies have shown that the risk of the sac filled with saline or silicone from leaking or deflating also reduces with this kind of placement.

Periareolar breast augmentation technique causes most damage to the glandular tissues and the nerves around the mammary glands. Be able to go through the tissues and nerves, the incision is made around the areola, deep enough. Through the hole made, the implants are inserted and stuck deep enough into the breast. This affects how sensitive the area is to touch and other stimuli and on the production of milk supply.
The final decision for the breast enlargement technique to be followed is influenced by patient's preferences and how the doctor explains each procedure to same. Regarding the advantages and disadvantages of each method, the doctors must be clear. You as a patient should be clear about all these techniques and opt for the right one. Visit Breast cosmetic surgeon Dr Barnouti in Chatswood, Parramatta and Sydney NSW Australia if you considering Breast enlagement.


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