Friday, 8 June 2012

Benefits of Labiaplasty

Labiaplasty which is also known as "labioplasty, labial trimming, labial surgery, labia reduction or vagina lips is a plastic surgery procedure of the labia majora and labia minora. Both the labia majora and labia minora are external folds of skin surrounding the vulva. This surgery involves the reduction of an elongated labium and is typically part of a vaginoplasty.

The labia are certainly most important parts of the female organ that have a lot to do with the sexual life of women. Women tend to feel embarrassed during sexual interactions when the labia majora is outsized by the labia minora. This might also cause them to avoid wearing tight clothing, such as gym or swim clothing. Labiaplasty in Sydney is done, in order to have the labia minora cut down to size. Besides reducing the size of labia, this surgery may also be done to repair the labia after injury, childbirth, or disease. At the same time a hoodectomy may also be performed. This exposes the clitoris in an attempt to enhance sexual stimulation.

Labioplasty is also done to rectify asymmetrical labia, in which one labia is larger than the other. During this procedure, only one side of the labia is operated on to ensure that both sides are of an equal size.

Plastic Surgeons in Sydney generally perform labiaplasty by a procedure called direct excision and reduction. In this procedure, Sydney plastic surgeon cuts a lengthy strip of the labia minora from the inner labial fold, leaving a long incision along the edge of the structure. Less commonly, the doctor removes a V-shaped portion of the labia minora to eliminate the bulkiness, thus avoiding an incision along the outside edge. In order to reshape the outer lips and remove excess bulkiness, labia majora reduction requires liposuction and liposculpting by the surgeon.

The procedure often takes only about 60 minutes and doctors usually give patients only local anesthesia and a sedative for relaxation. Many patients notice some swelling and discomfort after the operation, but this should go away within two weeks. The patients may resume mild activities within one week after the surgery. For at least four to six weeks post-surgery the patients should avoid running, jogging, biking or horseback riding, lifting heavy objects, and sexual intercourse.

Women who have undergone labioplasty can get rid of the discomfort and pain they have experienced prior to surgery. This can greatly help their disposition, as well as change their lives. It will be possible for them to enjoy sexual intercourse again after the surgery as the discomfort that the enlarged labia caused has been eliminated. A woman is able to gain more confidence and thus improves the way she feels about herself with the labia restored to what it once was. Labiaplasty and vagina surgery price between $4900-$6,900. Payment plans also available for people who can not afford such cost in Sydney.


  1. Absolutely! the best solution rather than doing nothing and losing it at all. All your tips mentioned above is a great help though nice........Sydney plastic surgery 

  2. Even if this surgery is not cheap, more and more women started to consider it because they don't want to feel embarrassed in front of their partners.

    I had a Toronto labiaplasty surgery because this problem was one of the reason why I couldn't enjoy anymore having intimate moments with my was not his fault and that was proved after the surgery when I started to be confident even if it doesn't seem to be so important, this surgery is one of the best for us, women.

  3. You can also try a few more ventures that are low on the initial outlay
    Plastic Surgery Abroad

  4. Can you ask your doctor about Labiaplasty, and what are the costs and risks?

  5. Labiaplasty Treatment is mostly preferred by those women who want to improve the appearance of their genitals.
    Labiaplasty Sydney
