Many women are unhappy with the size of their labia minora (inner vaginal lips), which may cause hygienic problems, discomfort in tight fitting pants or swim wear, insecurity or embarrassment with a sexual partner. In reality, women have different labia majora and minora sizes. Although this is normal, some women harbor feelings of deformity or being abnormal, with loss of self-esteem when labia minora are enlarged or unequal in size. Most women do not want the smaller inner lips (labia minora) to extend beyond the outer lips (labia majora).
Many women choose to undergo labia minora surgery, in order to get rid of elongated labia minora. The main objective of this surgery is to decrease the labia's size through the removal of excess skin. This is conducted through Iris scissors, scalpel or laser. The choice of method is up to the surgeon's preference. Labia surgery shrinks the size of this area so that the inner or outer lips do not protrude as much and consequently produces a more pleasing look.
Labia minora surgery is usually performed under general anesthesia (although, local anesthesia may be used for some patients). The exact technique used is personalized and depends on the patient's anatomy. For some patients, a triangular segment of excess labia minora tissue is removed; for others, a gentle curvilinear excision is performed. Excess tissue on the sides of the clitoris may also be removed judiciously. The labia doctor ensures to avoid over-resection, avoid encroachment upon the clitoris, urethra, or vaginal opening and achieve as much symmetry as possible during the procedure.
No suture removal is necessary after labiaplasty as the closure is done with sutures that dissolve. Scars will be minimally or not visible after several months. Ice and surgical pad are applied immediately. Prescribed oral medications help diminish pain, but it is also important for the patient to wear loose-fitting clothing in an effort to not irritate the surgical edges. You can fully resume normal activities after two to four weeks after surgery, depending on the type of intervention that you have chosen and its degree of complexity.
For labia minora surgery, fully developed young women and adult girls who are in superior health are the very best candidates. Then again, patients with particular medical types of conditions are most likely not appropriate for this treatment. The procedure does not consequence in perfection, so be sure to talk about your expectations with a labia doctor.
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