Saturday, 5 May 2012

Liposuction – An Easy Way to Remove Unwanted Fat from Your Body

Unwanted fat
Liposuction, also called as “lipo”, is one of the most distinctive cosmetic surgical procedures world over. Out of the total number of cosmetic surgeries carried out all over the world, the highest numbers of plastic surgeries are lipo surgeries. It reshapes and it slim areas of the body by removing excess deposits of fat. This is a procedure that can take care of fatty areas that look uneven and that do not respond to diet and/or exercise.

One can reduce fat in the thighs, arms, hips, neck, chin, cheeks, waist, back, chest, calves, ankles, and inner knee with the process of liposuction. This procedure can also be useful in decreasing hereditary fat that has not responded to fitness and diet. Furthermore, this procedure assists in weight loss and improves self-confidence of the individual undergoing the surgery. The medical procedure involves suctioning out fat cells, which is done by a qualified plastic surgeon. This procedure can contour different parts of your body by giving it an ideal shape. It is not a remedy for general obesity. People undergo this procedure for many different reasons.

There are several types of liposuction procedures. These include the dry technique, the wet technique, ultrasonic, laser, etc. At the time of your consultation, your surgeon will discuss the technique that is most suitable for your body type. Essentially, the procedure is performed with an instrument called as “Cannula”. It is a long tube that the surgeon moves back and forth under the skin to dislodge the fat and is then attached to a powerful suction device that suctions the fat out of the body. The cannula is inserted through tiny incisions in the skin made by the surgeon. The surgeon will be able to tell you exactly where the incisions will be placed during your consultation.

This procedure is ideal for women and men who are at, or close to, their ideal body weights. The lipo procedure is also useful for those people who have got fat cells concentrated at specific body parts. A full evaluation and thorough discussion with a board certified plastic surgeon who is experienced in cosmetic surgery is recommended to determine if this procedure is right for you, and if so, what techniques will be the best.

If you have severe heart problems, blood clotting disorders or are pregnant, you are not a good candidate for this procedure. Diabetes or immune system disorders may also pose difficulty for undergoing this surgery. This procedure would not work well for you if you have scar tissue in the area to be treated. Scar tissue below the skin may make it difficult or impossible to suction the fat in that area, leading to uneven contours after surgery.

Liposuction surgery is a complicated medical procedure which requires the opinion of experienced plastic surgeon. It is very important that patients considering this type of surgery thoroughly think of their decision and discuss it with a specialist.


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