Ear Pinning is generally known as otoplasty and is used to either reduce the size of the ears or to pull bat ear closer to the side of the head for a more appealing look. This plastic surgery is very popular for children starting at the age of four. These are very formative years and bat ears can be a source of emotional pain from being teased and ridiculed by other children. However, children are not the only ones that can have this surgery. Many adults turn to this elective procedure to enhance their look and to give themselves a boost of confidence.
Ears are almost fully grown by age four, so the operation to rectify the bat ear is done on children between ages of four and fourteen. The ear surgeon will evaluate the patient's condition and recommend the most effective technique specific instructions will be given on how to prepare for the surgery. If the child is young, the surgery is performed on general anesthesia, so the child will sleep through the operation. For older children or adults, the surgery may be performed by using local anesthesia combined with a sedative.
The surgery itself can be carried out in a number of ways. However, a combination of various surgical techniques working together will create the desired results. Otoplasty surgeries are quite safe. The success ratio is almost 100% and the recovery period is fast. One of the most commonly practiced techniques is to cut the ear cartilage that allows it to fold back with a sharp edge. This sharp crease or edge is not seen in a normal ear. This sharp edge pulls any persons attention to this abnormal contour. The cartilage needs to be folded in a smooth and rounded way so as to look natural.
The ear pinning is done in Sydney by creating an incision behind the ear. This incision creates a scar that heals quickly. Under this approach, the deep curved portion of the ear, called the concha (means shell) is freed up and set back much closer to the side of the head and held there with sutures that cannot be seen or felt. The crease is then abraded to allow it to bend easier and then sutured so that the ear is no longer unfolded or prominent. These sutures are permanent but are not visible from outside. After the incision is closed the ear is protected with a special headband for the first few weeks until the scar tissue which holds the new ear-shape in place, becomes stronger.
While one may wish to make the ear closer to the side of the head, it's also very important that the ear not be excessively folded or pinned immediately next to the head. The posterior outside portion of the ear should be approximately nine to twelve millimeters from the head. The entire goal of ear pinning, as in any good plastic surgery, is to look pleasing, but also totally natural and un-operated on in appearance.
My myth is that ear reshaping is only possible for mature people but through your post i knew that ear surgery possible for teenagers without any side effect..Thanks